How To All Your Mails in Gmail – Guide

Gmail filters can help you keep your inbox organized and free of clutter. Set up rules to automatically delete newsletters, marketing emails and spam, move emails from critical contacts to a priority queue, and search for old emails to delete en masse. Here’s how to get started with Gmail filters so you can start automating your inbox organization process right away.

Create a filter

Users can access additional search options by clicking the down arrow in the top search box.

Verify your search results by clicking Search and seeing which emails appear.

To create a filter, click the button at the bottom of the search window.

Decide how you want to customize your filter experience.

To create a filter that forwards messages, click the “Create Filter” button. Keep in mind that only new messages will be affected and responses to filtered messages will only be forwarded if they meet the same criteria.

Use a specific message to create a filter

Mark the box beside the desired email to select it.

Users can now filter out unwanted messages with a single click.

Users can now specify their desired search parameters to find the information they need.

Final note

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