How to manage cities in Weather Widget on macOS – Guide
The macOS Notification Center offers a weather widget that allows users to view forecasts for multiple cities. It provides detailed information for each city, and users can customize the widget by adding, removing or rearranging cities.
Adding a new city in the widget
Ensure the weather widget is enabled in your Notification Center. To do so, click ‘Edit’ at the bottom and add it.
Clicking the ‘i’ button on the upper right of the widget will enable editing mode.
Users can quickly add a city to the widget by clicking the ‘Add’ button and entering its name.
Clicking on the search result will add it to your city list.
Rearranging cities in the weather widget
To rearrange cities in the weather widget, click the ‘i’ button to enter edit mode.
Users can click and drag the hamburger button, located on the right side of the city cell, to move it up or down.
Removing a city from the widget
To delete a widget, click the ‘i’ button in the top right corner.
To delete a city from your list, simply click the red ‘-’ button while in edit mode.
Final note
If you have any questions about managing cities in Weather Widget on macOS, don’t hesitate to ask us. And if you found this guide helpful, please share it with your friends!