Guide: Install Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu – Guide
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is a powerful, open source code editor that offers developers a range of features and an easy way to write and manage code. It provides syntax highlighting, debugging, versioning and code completion capabilities, as well as the ability to insert, expand, generate and collapse different code blocks using its Outline and Code Snippets properties.
Confusion abounds between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. The former is a Windows-only application development tool, while the latter is a cross-platform code editor.
Installing Visual Studio Code as a Snap Package
Microsoft has released a snap package for Visual Studio Code, providing users with an easy-to-update and secure version of the popular software. However, snaps take up more disk space and have longer startup times than standard deb packages.
Users can quickly and easily install the popular code editor Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on their Ubuntu system by using Snap packages. To do so, open the terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and enter the command: “snap install –classic code”.
The command line tool ‘snap’ can be used to install the popular coding platform ‘code’, in its classic version.
Visual Studio Code is now installed on your Ubuntu machine. To use a GUI, open the Ubuntu software and search for “Visual Studio Code” to install the application. The package will automatically update to new versions in the background.
Installing Visual Studio Code with apt
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code can be easily installed by following a few simple steps. The software is available from the official Microsoft Apt repositories.
Run the command below as a user with sudo privileges to update the package index and install dependencies: -sudo apt update && sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget-
Microsoft GPG key can be imported using the wget command: “wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add”.
To enable Visual Studio Code, type “sudo add-apt-repository ‘deb [arch=amd64] stable main’”.
Enabling the apt repository allows users to install Visual Studio Code with the command ‘sudo apt install code’.
Updating Visual Studio Code is easy: use the standard desktop software update tool or run a few commands on your terminal.
Starting Visual Studio Code
To launch Visual Studio Code, type “Visual Studio Code” into the Activity search bar and click on the icon. When you open it for the first time, a window will appear. Alternatively, you can start VS Code from the command line by entering “code”.
Final note
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