How to Customize Mac’s Menu bar – Guide
Mac users don’t have the same level of freedom as Windows users, but this comes with its own advantages. Macs are more secure and many applications are better than their Windows equivalents.
If you’re looking to customize the look of your Mac, there are ways to do it. Thanks to the Mac community and developers, users can make deep changes to OS X. Let’s explore how.
Turn the menu bar to black
Upgrading your Macbook Pro’s menu bar to Obsidian can give your OS X home screen a sleek, modern look. The black frames of the laptop perfectly complement the dark menu bar, creating an eye-catching aesthetic.
Downloading and installing the application is easy: simply open the installer, follow the instructions, and you’re done. However, be sure to deactivate the Translucent Menu Bar option in Settings before proceeding.
White clock
OS X users can now customize their menu bar clock with White Clock, a downloadable app. Activating the black menu bar deactivates the icons and hides the clock, but White Clock allows users to bring back a visible clock in any color they choose.
Disable the default OS X clock date and time settings and let White Clock take over. This app offers the same features as the standard clock, plus you can customize font, font size and text color.
Hiding icons with the bartender
Bartender is a handy tool that tidies up your menu bar. It replaces the multiple icons for different applications with a single drop-down menu, allowing you to access all your apps while keeping the menu bar clutter-free. For just $15, it’s an easy way to keep your Mac organized.
Rethink your menu bar: Is the Spotlight icon really necessary? Streamline your menu bar by permanently hiding or moving icons to the Bartender menu with Bartender, or use a free app like Broomstick for limited functionality.
Rearrange system icons
Users can customize their menu bar by holding the Command key and dragging system icons to new positions.
Manually replace menu bar icons
You can customize the icons on your menu bar by replacing them with images of your own. To do this, open the application you want to change in Finder, right-click and select Show Package Contents. Then, navigate to Content -> Features and locate the .png menu bar icon. Modify or replace it with an image of your choice using Photoshop and click Save.
Make them transparent
If you need to keep an icon in the menu bar but don’t want it to be visible, replacing its .png file with a transparent image is your last resort.
Your Menu
Share a snapshot of your menu bar in the comments!
Final note
We hope you enjoyed our guide on customizing your Mac’s menu bar. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Show your love for the article by sharing it with your friends!