Direct links provide a simple way for users to access your app’s content from Safari, Mail, Notes and other apps with just one tap. However, there are complexities involved in integrating this feature into your app that you should be aware of before doing so.

It’s time to make deep connections work for you. Start by deciding which domains to include in your direct linking strategy - the main domain or a subdomain of your website. Then, add them to Associated Domains in Signing & Capabilities on Xcode. To ensure these associated domains are used for direct links, prefix them with the application link.

1. Create the shortcut to show the note URL

To make a shortcut, start by following these steps:

The Shortcuts app offers users the ability to create new shortcuts with a simple tap of the More button.

Create a shortcut in your file by entering an abbreviation in the edit field. To add an action, search for “Find notes a job” and tap the action to add it to your shortcut.

Users can now sort their data by variable and switch to the e Zahal system.

To make it easier to find recent notes, the order has been changed to most recent first.

To complete the task, select “Show Content Graphic,” “Get Clipboard,” and any other desired options from the list.

Knife can be used to capture the URL of hidden note data by using a simple regular expression.

Adding a matching text file to the job can help streamline the process and save time.

A regular expression that looks for “mobile:” followed by any characters up to a smiley face can be used to identify mobile devices.

Job seekers can add a text file to their application by typing “[]” in the empty text field.

Position the cursor on the square brackets you just entered, then click and select a variable from the list of options displayed above your keyboard.

Press the chosen item from the list to enter the note as a variable.

Put your cursor between the square brackets, then select the “File Matches Suggestion Variable” option.

Users can now create rich text from Markdown, copy it to their clipboard, and get the clipboard contents.

A new shortcut graphic allows users to quickly access a list of notes, but selecting one may not yield the desired result.

2. Find the hidden URL of the note

Tap the shortcut and select a note to view a single item list - the note you chose. But when you touch it, an unexpected surprise awaits.

The Graph element now reveals a graphical representation of the data stored in a note, including text, images, files and other properties.

Tap the Noticeable circle to access a new list, then select IN NOTE Selection.

The bottom line of your note contains a hidden URL starting with “mobile://” – providing access to the text and data.

Capture a URL to use in the shortcut

On iOS 15.1, a bug in the Shortcuts app prevents users from selecting and copying a URL, making it inaccessible unless the shortcut is restarted.

For those seeking an alternative, there is good news: a different solution exists.

Press the cursor once to select all text, revealing a range of text actions.

A new study has found that people who eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables may be less likely to develop depression. Researchers analyzed data from over 15,000 adults and found that those who ate the most produce had a lower risk of developing the mental health disorder. The findings suggest that eating more fruits and vegetables could help reduce the risk of depression.

Don’t bother with INNote and the Content Item Chart worksheets - they can be skipped.

A new shortcut simplifies the process of creating a link with the note title as anchor text: it extracts the URL, formats it, and copies it to the clipboard.

You can now quickly and easily link notes in the Notes app, creating an online database of information for research purposes. Simply open a note, paste the advanced link into it, and click to instantly access the associated note.

Final note

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create deep links for specific Apple Notes on iOS. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. Don’t forget to share the article with your friends!