How to Apply Entertainment Widget on Windows 11 – Guide
Windows 11 has released a new entertainment widget, which is an upgraded version of the Messages and Interests feature from Windows 10. This widget provides users with a range of entertainment options.
Open widget panel
To access the widget panel, click the Widgets icon on the taskbar or swipe from the left side of your touchscreen device.
You can access a Bing-enabled web search bar and various Microsoft-enabled widgets, such as the To Do widget developed by Microsoft To Do and the Calendar widget supported by Outlook. Additionally, you can scroll to view news articles tailored to your Microsoft news preferences.
Change widget size
To customize the size of a widget, click the ellipses button and select from small, medium, or large options. This allows users to create a larger widget that displays more information or a smaller one that shows less.
Customize Widgets
You can customize widgets like Weather, Traffic, Sports and Watchlist by clicking the ellipses button and selecting ‘Customize widget’ from the menu. For example, you can change your location on Weather and Traffic widgets, add teams to follow on Sports widgets, or pin action listings on Watchlist.
Final note
We hope you found our guide on how to apply the Entertainment Widget on Windows 11 helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Show your support by sharing this article with your friends!