Guide: These are the Tasks which Freelancers Hate Doing

Freelancing is a business, and success requires more than just the skills of a graphic designer, writer or web developer. To-do lists must be organized and taxes filed - tedious tasks that are essential for success.

Freelancing offers freedom and a longer life, but some tasks can still be boring. This article provides tips to make them more interesting. Take advantage of these strategies to save yourself from tedious tasks and make the most of your freelancing experience.

1. To-do lists

To-do lists can be a great way to stay productive, but they often become overwhelming. With tasks piling up and never seeming to get done, it’s easy to feel like you’re not making any progress. How often do you manage to check off every item on your list?

People are feeling overwhelmed and panicked by their growing to-do lists, leading to procrastination instead of steady progress.

Make lists work for you by focusing on the essentials: each day, jot down the five most important tasks and resist the urge to add more.

Crossing off items on your to-do list can make you feel productive. Just start with one task and keep going until all of them are done. Before you know it, you’ll have accomplished everything on your list and be feeling great about it!

2. Deadlines

Freelancers rely on deadlines to stay productive, but they also dread them. Missing one can damage customer relationships and take months to repair.

Failing to meet deadlines can have serious consequences for businesses, as customers may be unwilling to trust them if they become accustomed to missed targets.

To ensure you don’t miss deadlines, give yourself a few extra days. For example, if you can submit a project by Tuesday, tell your client it will be ready on Thursday. This simple trick can help prevent procrastination and any unexpected issues that may arise.

3. Taxes

Freelancers dread the annual task of filing taxes, a headache-inducing process that involves organizing receipts, bills, customer payments and expenses before submitting 1099s and other paperwork.

No matter your status in the workplace, taxes can be a source of stress and procrastination. Even those at the top of the corporate ladder often find themselves scrambling to get their paperwork in order at the last minute.

Hiring a professional to do your taxes can make the process easier. Alternatively, using a tax program designed for businesses can help you navigate the process and calculate your taxes.

Taxpayers can reap the benefits of filing their taxes by taking advantage of write-offs, such as deductions for stock photo purchases.

4. Marketing

Freelancers need to be their own promoters if they want to succeed. Passion and skill are not enough; they must actively market themselves in order to attract clients.

Marketing doesn’t have to be sleazy - social media makes it easy to connect with potential clients without having to resort to underhanded tactics. Sign up for Twitter and Facebook, join conversations in your niche, and let your profile do the talking.

Share your work on social media channels to reach a wider audience and provide value. Communicate regularly to showcase your skills and expertise, and soon people will recognize the quality of your work.

I discovered more work through Twitter than my own website in the last year, proving that social media can be an effective tool for marketing without being sleazy.

5. Follow-ups

Following up with clients and potential customers is essential for getting more business. After completing a project, a follow-up email can help you secure additional work, testimonials, or referrals. It can also lead to new customers. Though it may be time-consuming and tedious, following up is necessary for growing your business.

Failing to follow up at the right time can cost you a customer or prospect. Acting too quickly can make them feel rushed, while waiting too long may cause them to forget about you or hire someone else.

Creating a system to simplify the follow-up process can help take the hassle out of it. Set a timeline for when you should follow up and mark it in your calendar. Additionally, create email templates for both current and potential customers to use when following up.

Staying on top of customer follow-ups just got easier: mark the next check-in date in your calendar and use a pre-written email template to send a reminder.

6. Cold calls

Cold calling can be a daunting task for freelancers, with the fear of rejection and unfamiliarity making it an intimidating prospect. Despite the potential discomfort, those who take the plunge often find themselves feeling like a salesperson.

Cold calling can be an effective way to introduce yourself and your services. Instead of viewing it as an unsolicited call, think of it as an introduction. Reach out to a company, introduce yourself, and ask a simple question such as “Do you work with freelancers?” Then offer to send them your details. This approach is non-intrusive and can help you make valuable connections.

Rather than making cold calls, skip them altogether and use email to reach out to potential partners. Research the company and identify the right person to send a Letter of Introduction (LOI) with all necessary details.

It’s possible to make life simpler: there’s always a way.


No matter the challenge, freelancers must stay positive and put in the effort to succeed. To do this, they should focus on their strengths and discipline, while also utilizing helpful tips. With this mindset, freelancers can achieve success.

Do you have a freelance task that you dread doing? Share your experience with us and we’ll discuss how to make it less of a nightmare.

These are the Tasks which Freelancers Hate Doing: benefits


Final note

This guide outlines the tasks freelancers hate doing most. If you have any questions, please reach out to us. Help spread the word by sharing this article with your friends.

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