Guide: Fix ‘Reg­istry Edi­tor Can­not Import File’ Issue in Win­dows 10

The Windows Registry is a critical database that stores information about the apps, services and hardware used to run Windows. It can be edited by power users to customize their OS or app settings, but even regular users can use registry hacks on Windows 10. However, if the registry editor fails to import a registry file, it can be confusing for anyone.

Fixing the thing that should help us fix a bug requires attention and effort. It’s ironic, but it must be done. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and tackle the challenge.

Warning: Modifying the registry can be dangerous. If you are not familiar with inspecting .reg files, do not download and use them from unknown sources as they may cause your computer to crash or become unusable.

Experts have identified a number of potential solutions to address the issue of an error when attempting to import a file into the registry editor.

1. Precautions

Backing up, restoring and editing registry files is essential for the proper functioning of Windows OS and third-party apps. Failing to do so can lead to serious problems, such as needing to reinstall the entire operating system. To avoid this, users should make sure to back up their data in the cloud or on an external hard drive and use Safe Mode when making changes.

2. File format

It is important to be cautious when downloading and importing registry files from the internet. Avoid shareware sites, torrents, and unfamiliar websites. These changes can have a significant impact on your system, so it is essential to ensure the file is in the correct format and ends with a .reg extension. To check this, right-click on the file and select Properties from the context menu.

3. Empty line

If you’re seeing the error message ‘The specified file is not a registry script’ when attempting to import a registry file, check that the first line of the document is blank by opening it in Notepad or another text editor.

To avoid potential issues, it is best to not alter the values of the code in the registry editor. If an error occurs while importing a file, delete any empty lines and save the file before attempting to import again.

4. Administrator rights

If you’re using an office computer, you’ll need to get permission from your IT administrator or supervisor to gain administrator rights to your user account. This will allow you to edit and change the registry editor, as well as import registry files.

If you’re using a PC, open the registry editor from the Search menu with administrator rights and attempt to import the reg file once more.

For multi-computer installations, the REG file must be on the same computer as the one you’re importing it to via registry editor.

5. Location of registry file

The registry files on your computer are stored in a location that requires administrator rights and access. To access them, you must log in with an administrator account on Windows. If you’re using a company or office computer, you may need to contact the administrator for permission.

6. Granting permission to the registry

Users cannot edit registry entries unless they have an administrator account. To do so, open Registry Editor and navigate to the directory where the registry file was attempted to be imported.

A registry file must be imported into the ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESECURITY folder, as demonstrated in accompanying screenshots.

To access a folder on your computer, click Edit in the menu and select Permissions.

The Advanced button on the subsequent dollup can be clicked.

Check your username in the Access tab to ensure it has full control over all entries.

Double-clicking an item or clicking “Add” under the Permissions tab at the bottom allows users to change access control.

Grant full access to all subfolders and files by selecting the highest-level folder.

7. Becoming owner of the register

Access the Registry Editor and select Permissions from the Edit menu.

To change permissions for a specific folder, right-click it and select the Permissions option. This will apply the changes to that folder and everything in it, rather than making changes to the parent folder from top to bottom. The other steps remain unchanged.

For more options, users can click the Advanced button.

To change the administrator account, click ‘Change’ next to the ‘Owner’ heading.

Type multiple administrators in the ‘Object name to select’ box, then select Check Names to ensure accuracy.

The Administrator account username is now visible.

Clicking OK will take you back to the previous screen. Check the box labeled ‘Replace owner on subcontainers and objects’ and click Apply and OK to save your changes.

Users can now modify the folder’s contents, verifying their ability to import files in Registry Editor.

If your computer, system configuration and user account access level allow it, you may be able to take ownership of a file or folder by accessing the Owner tab. Steps for doing so may vary.

Record all changes

If you’re attempting to import a registry file, take all necessary precautions and use safe mode. Be aware that the registry editor is a complex tool and should not be experimented with unless you know what you’re doing.

Having trouble fixing an error on your computer? Struggling to reset the registry key? Follow this link for instructions on how to restore your computer to a time when it was working properly.

Fix ‘Reg­istry Edi­tor Can­not Import File’ Issue in Win­dows 10: benefits


Final note

If you’re having trouble importing files in Windows 10, this guide can help. Got questions? Ask us. And don’t forget to share the love by sharing the article with your friends.

If you have any questions about fixing the “Registry Editor Cannot Import File” issue in Windows 10, please ask us in the comments section or contact us directly. This guide is for educational purposes only. If you want to correct any misinformation about this guide, please contact us. If anyone wants to add more methods to this guide, please also contact us. For help, use our contact page or follow us on Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. We usually respond within 24-48 hours (weekends excluded). For the latest software updates and discussions about software, join our Telegram channel.