How to Use the Right-Click Menu to Copy a File Path in Windows 10 – Guide

In Windows 10, you can quickly copy the contents of a text file without having to open it in Notepad. All you need to do is run a registry hack to add the “Copy to Clipboard” option to the context menu of your text files. Then, simply select that option and the contents will be copied in an instant.

How to copy the file contents to the clipboard using the right click menu

Copy the contents of a text file using the right-click context menu

Right-click on the text file you want to copy and select “Copy” from the context menu. This will copy the contents of the file to your clipboard. You can then paste it into any other application or document.

The Windows registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT SystemFileAssociations text shell allows users to customize how text files are opened and viewed.

Right-click the shell key and select “New > Key” to create a subkey. Name it “CopytoClip” or something similar. Double click the new key, then double click (default) in the right pane. Set the value data to “Copy to clipboard” and press OK.

The CopytoClip key in the Windows Registry can be modified to include a new subkey called “command”. Double-clicking the default name in the right-hand pane and entering a specific command into the Value data field will complete this process.

The command line tool cmd.exe can be used to copy text from a file to the clipboard using the ’type’ and ‘clip’ commands.

The Registry Editor application should be closed to create a log file that will automate new settings. To do this, open Notepad and enter the data “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00”.

The Windows Registry has a key that allows users to copy text files directly to their clipboard.

Ensure accuracy when entering details for the newly created keys and subkeys.

To create a log file, open Notepad, go to File > Save As and select the “All Files” option. Add “.reg” after the filename and click save. Right-click on any text file and select “Copy to Clipboard” to copy its contents for pasting elsewhere.

Copy the content of an HTML file using the right click menu

Users can add the Copy to Clipboard option for HTML files by following the same steps used for text files. The only change is that they must select the HTML file type in Registry Editor, which can be found at a specific address.

Creating a registry file and subkeys at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ChromeHTML\shell can help you quickly copy text file contents to the clipboard using the context menu.

Final note

This guide explains how to use the right-click menu to copy a file path in Windows 10. If you have any questions, please reach out for help. Share this article with your friends and spread the love!