Guide: How To Play Audio in MS PowerPoint Automatically

Adding music to a PowerPoint presentation can enhance the overall experience, making it more enjoyable and memorable.

Do you know how to make audio files in your PowerPoint presentations play automatically? It’s a simple trick that can save you time and effort.

You can decide when to begin the audio: either with the first slide or at a later point.

This article will explain how to accomplish both tasks.

How do I make audio play automatically in PowerPoint?

Setting up auto-playing audio in PowerPoint is simple and can be tailored to fit any presentation.

Setting up audio to play from the start of a presentation, or on specific slides, is easy. Here’s how.

Play audio from the beginning

To start your presentation off with an audio file, the process is straightforward.

If you want to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic, it’s important to take certain precautions. Wear a face mask when in public, practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently and avoid large gatherings. Following these steps can help protect you and those around you from the spread of COVID-19.

Ensure your presentation is ready to go by double-checking all settings. To test audio and preview the slideshow, select the Slideshow tab and then click “From the beginning”.

Play audio from a specific slide

To have audio play from a specific slide or with a delay, you’ll need to take a few extra steps. To start, open the slide in which you want the audio to begin playing. Then, select the audio file and click on “Timing” in the ribbon menu. From there, you can set when the audio should start playing and how long it should last. Finally, save your changes and test out your presentation to make sure everything is working as expected.

To preview your presentation and ensure the audio plays from the desired slide, click the Slideshow tab and select “From the beginning.”

Play audio across multiple slides

Create a soundtrack for your presentation by adding music to multiple slides, so you can have non-distracting background music during your talk.

The key to success is taking action. To get started, here are some steps to take: 1) Set a goal; 2) Make a plan; 3) Take action; and 4) Monitor progress. Taking these steps will help you achieve your desired outcome.

To ensure your presentation runs smoothly, time it and add extra audio files if needed. That way, you won’t have any silent gaps.

You can combine multiple audio files into one with free tools like Audacity or Free Audio Editor, allowing the audio to play uninterrupted.

Save audio files

Ensure your presentation runs smoothly by keeping audio files and the PowerPoint presentation in the same folder on a flash drive. Failing to do so could result in PowerPoint not being able to locate the inserted files, leaving your presentation without sound.

Editing the path of each audio file in a presentation can be time-consuming, so it’s best to avoid it if possible.

Final Thoughts

Microsoft PowerPoint offers a range of features and tools to help you customize your presentation.

Creating a presentation that plays audio automatically is simple with the right steps.

How To Play Audio in MS PowerPoint Automatically: benefits


Final note

We hope you found our guide on how to play audio in MS PowerPoint automatically helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Show your support by sharing this article with your friends!

If you have any questions about how to play audio in MS PowerPoint automatically, or want to correct any misinformation, add an alternate method, or get help with the software, contact us. We are available 24-48 hours (weekends off) and can be reached through our contact page or social media accounts on Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. For the latest software updates and discussion about any software join our Telegram channel.